
Updates whenever

[UPDATE 10/20/2024]

Sorry about the update taking forever!!;; Some IRL and other things got in the way but it's finally here!! In this chpt, two mysteries apper and the story begins to expand! I wonder what's gonna happen next!! Be sure to check it out and spread the word of BitterRott!!!

[UPDATE 08/09/2024]

Howdy, howdy! I was gonna wait a couple more days to update this but you see, a someone by the name of Will Wood just posted an updated version of the Normal Album called the New Normal and I just HAD to post the chapter where Roni's is introduced since Will Wood runs in their veins! Check out the New Normal along with Chapter Two of BitterRott!!

[LAUNCH 08/03/2024]

Welcome to the BitterRott Website! This is where we are gonna host the BitterRott story for everyone to read! Updates to the site are going to happen so don't forget to check every so often!!